Allied Risk Analyser

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Latest News

May 2012

"3 Strike" Disciplinary Scheme

“The NSW Government’s Three Strikes disciplinary scheme has provided unprecedented motivation for all licensed venues to lift their game or risk the ultimate” said, Hon. George Souris M.P., Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing Minister for the Arts in a Media Release in May 2012.... more

31 May 2012

Violent Venues Scheme

The Violent Venues Scheme was introduced in 2008 by the NSW Government aimed to regulate licensed premises with high levels of assault and other violent incidents. Licensed premises were categorised as Level 1, 2 or 3 venues, depending on the number of incidents recorded over a specified period of time.... more

Course Booking


Terms and Conditions

The person applying for access to the Risk Analyser 30 day free Signup in this context is a representative of the Club or Venue that is intending to use the Allied Risk Analyser as a statistical analysis tool. A more concise summary of the Terms and Conditions will be provided later on when the Venue is setup to use the Risk Analyser.